During November/December 2012, SOAN carried out a survey of our members, posing a series of questions relating to their experience of delivering Part I of the Act. The questions were developed in the light of our experience of issues raised by members since the commencement of the Act. The results of the survey provide a useful snapshot of areas of concern (and non-concern) which we understand to be within the scope of the Land Reform Review Group.
SOAN LRAct Part 1 members responses Jan2013
This summary report comprises ‘at-a-glance’ quantified responses (first 7 pages) and comments/supplementary detail (remaining 25 pages). The contact details have been removed as the information was provided on the understanding that it would be presented anonymously, however, as a guide, the majority (60+%) of respondees are Local Authority/National Park Authority access officers, and the remainder are other SOAN members who are professionally involved in outdoor access.
Please note that the attached responses reflect the views of individual members based on their own experience and are not necessarily the views of SOAN as an organisation or of the organisations whose staff comprise the SOAN committee.