Making Cycling Mainstream – Promoting Cycling Course

FREE Cycling Scotland Courses: Making Cycling Mainstream:

Promoting Cycling: Tutor – Andrew Pankhurst and William Wright

Venue: Cycling Scotland, 24 Blythswood Square, Glasgow, G2 4BG 

Date: Thursday 6th December 2012

Start Time 9.00 for a 9.15am start

Tea/Coffee will be served between 9:00 and 9:15 

During the morning presentation which will be predominantly workshop/discussion based you will gain an understanding of the following: 

Ø       To describe the principles of marketing and promotion and how they relate to cycling promotion.

Ø       To describe the set of tools and methods that can make consumers aware of cycling and its benefits. Including use of social media.

Ø       Provide your local authority or organisation the tools to promote cycling which matches your circumstances.

 The workshop will finish at 12.00.

To sign up for the following course please Click here to Register  




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