
Public Access to Private Land in Scotland, DL Carey Miller, 2012.

The essential focus of the paper is on the “access rights” provided for in part 1 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, which came into force on 9 February 2005.

The paper will cover the subject under the following headings: the pre-reform position; the essential features of the reform; excluded land; the Scottish Outdoor Access
Code; the European Convention on Human Rights; the English law approach; and concluding observations.

Miller Public Access to Private Land in Scotland

Right of Way Diversion and Example Order. Perth & Kinross Council.

Right of Way diversion PKC Including Example Order

SL&E Legal Summaries

Scottish Land Estates summary of the Snowie v Stirling Council Ramblers Scotland Case

Scottish Land Estates Summary of the Tuley v Highland Council case




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