SOAN Networking Event: Shaping SOAN’s input to the Review of Guidance for Local Authorities & National Park Authorities
Date: 12 November 2014
Time: 1000 – 1600
Location: Battleby Conference Centre, Redgorton, Perth, PH1 3EW
Cost: £40 inc lunch and refreshments
Land Reform Review
Public access is just one area of work being carried out by the Land Reform Review Group, much of the background to the setting up of the review group is available on the Scottish Government’s website.
The final report is linked below, and highlights that Ministers could usefully review the Guidance for Local Authorities and National Park Authorities, and this is the focus for the morning session, with inputs from the ongoing Survey Monkey forming the basis of discussion on the day and our outputs shaping SOAN’s comments on the suggested review.
In the afternoon we will be looking at current s14 cases and also a s16 Compulsory Purchase case, with time for questions and learning from the wealth of experience in the room.
We look forward to seeing you on 12th November, please book now to avoid disappointment, bookings must be received by 5th November:
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